Sunday, November 3, 2013

Keep raking your leaves

The leaves of trees provide so much beauty and many blessings that we might not recognize. During the spring and summer, they provide shade to protect us from the sun. During the fall they change colors to give some beauty in this world, then fall off to allow the sun to shine through and create warmth during the winter.

You will often find fathers and families raking the leaves that have fallen during the fall to beautify their lawns, only to have more leaves fall to create more work to be done.

Why don't they just wait until all the leaves have fallen and rake only once? While meteorologists help us prepare for possible storms and future weather, they cannot know exactly when winter will hit.

If you wait too long to rake your leaves, snow will start to fall and will freeze the leaves to your grass, making it very difficult to clean. Come spring time, the leaves will start to decompose and turn to mush, creating a mess.

Such as in life, we need to continually "rake our leaves".

“And now, as I said unto you before ... I beseech of you that ye do not procrastinate the day of your repentance until the end; for after this day of life, which is given us to prepare for eternity, behold, if we do not improve our time while in this life, then cometh the night of darkness wherein there can be no labor performed." Alma 34:33

If we wait to repent of our sins to "kill two birds with one stone", it might already be too late. The night might already have fallen and our to time prepare has ended.

There is a beauty in the atonement and the weekly opportunity of taking the sacrament that we might not see. We have the chance to beautify our lives daily, to correct the wrongs that have been made, and to prepare now to meet our Father in Heaven. We don't lead perfect lives, but we can strive to have a marvelous and magnificent one.

So be grateful for the liberty we have to continually rake our lawns and make them glorious.

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