Thursday, August 30, 2012

Always Forgive, Never Forget

This is one of my favorite quotes of all time. Subsequently, I got it written on my neck with permanent ink. And when people hear about it or read it, oh boy! Had I known that this would cause so much debate and controversy, I might have thought twice about getting it.

When I tell people the quote, especially strong LDS members, the first thing that comes out of their mouth "Why would you get that" followed by a close second, "I don't agree with that." Well, there isn't one thing in this world that EVERYBODY agrees on. And I guess to clear everything once and for all, hopefully, I will explain my thoughts on this.

Always forgive.
A. It's not your place to not forgive someone. And 2. It's just the right thing to do. If you feel like you don't need to forgive someone, refer to my previous post about holding grudges. That'll change your mind. You should always forgive someone. Even if they wronged you beyond repair, if they cheated on you, if they betrayed you. Now, just because you forgive someone doesn't mean that you have to be "buddy-buddy" with them again. But you are still forgiving them and saying "It's okay. People make mistakes." Now this is where the second part comes into play.

Never forget.
No, I don't mean "Never forget that this person wronged you." You should never forget the lesson it taught you. If you accidentally touch a hot stove or pan, your body is going to remember what that did to your body. Your body will subconsciously remember that it doesn't like touching hot things and creating burn marks. Just like in life, if someone cheats on you, forgive them until pigs fly. But don't forget how being cheated on felt and the lesson it taught you. I sure hope that the lesson you learned is to not date guys (or girls) that have the potential of cheating on you. If you and a friend get in a HUGE fight, so big that you just never see the friendship fixable, forgive them until your dying day. Be the better person and say "I forgive you for the hurtful things you said." But don't forget how losing your best friend felt. Don't forget how miserable you were and how lonely you felt when your partner in crime wasn't by your side. Let that fuel you into not wanting to fight again and being able to put your pride aside and say "No, I will not lose you again."

There are so many situations that this can be put to, and I have witnessed so many instances where this has been a life changer. Some people say "Your tattoo is wrong because if you have fully repented of a sin and Heavenly Father has forgiven you, he has forgotten it too." First off, I am not speaking for my Father in heaven. I have no right to and am far too imperfect to speak for Him. But for me, personally, I remember things that I have done (to a certain extent) so that I will remember that I don't want to go through those things again. I hate fighting with a passion. And there were too many days, weeks, months, when my sister and I didn't speak because we just clashed heads. I remember those fights (to an extent) to fuel me NOT to fight with my sister. No, I don't remember specifics, and you shouldn't remember those. But instead, remember the lessons.

So while some people think of me as stupid and retarded for having this quote permanently on my body, you have to take it for what it is. And it teaches me lessons daily. It teaches me to be bigger than myself and forgive people who might not be sorry, or who would go to the ends of the earth to apologize. It helps me to remember lessons so that I can be a better person today, tomorrow, and forever. It teaches me that everyone is human and that we all deserve a second chance. It teaches me that we can learn from our mistakes and other people's mistakes to make us better.

Always forgive, Never forget.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The Simple Things

Sometimes you just have to stop, and enjoy the simple things in life.

As life gets more and more busy and hectic, just stop.
And take in something that you would have passed by on any other day.

About two and a half or so months ago, I got rid of my smart phone. *GASP* Why would you ever do that?! I know, I know. Some of my coworkers gave me crap for it. I went from having a smart phone constantly in my hand, to having a dumb phone that is rarely in my hand.

While John and I were dating, I was ALWAYS on my phone. I would be checking Facebook, seeing if I had any emails that I didn't see, or throwing angry birds at green pigs. I detached myself from the world to play with my little piece of technology. And it was changing me. One of the main reasons why I got rid of my smart phone was to save on money. (Nobody is above saving money) When you have a really big car payment and high car insurance to pay each month, you don't really have the luxury of spoiling yourself. That is, unless you like plastic things called credit cards, or you get all your $$ from daddy. Neither of which, I do/have. So yes, to make sure that I had gas in my car and food on my table, I canceled the $30 data plan. And I don't know if I want to go back...

Sure, it was nice always having the internet with me. I never got lost (like it's possible in Utah) and always had access to my email, bank accounts, Facebook, and more. Not to mention, those cute little pictures on Instagram. Yeah, I miss those things from time to time, but I am now more attentive in my relationships, at work, and during "me" time. It's kind of nice.

But there are many other simple things in life that most days I would take for granted. Here are a few.

1. The perfect timing of your favorite song on the radio when you first get in the car.

2. Listening to kids playing in the street after a long day at school.

3. Finding money in the dryer after doing a load of laundry.

4. Getting a letter in the mail. (not junk mail)

5. The pull-through parking spot.

6. Making the yellow light.

7. Holding hands with the one you love.

8. Finishing what you started.

9. Realizing you can sleep in for another five minutes.

10. Finding your favorite cereal on sale.

There are so many things that happen in this life that we either don't take the time to notice, or it's just so small that it doesn't mean anything. But life really is about enjoying the simple things. Even though they might only bring a smile to your heart for a minute or two, it might have been the brightness in your day that you needed.

Don't forget the small and simple things in life.

They keep life held together at the seams.

Sunday, August 26, 2012


" Holding a grudge is letting someone live rent-free in your head."

Let me tell you a story.

In high school, I wasn't one who had 12862328 friends. I could possibly count all of my close friends on one hand. (All of these names have been changed) I had known Jane for a while through Church, but we were never really friends. We had a class together one year and became pretty good friends. Our friendship really grew when I helped her through a breakup with Joe. That's when I knew she would be my best friend. We did everything together. We even thought about being roommates after high school. The second semester of school came around, and we were two peas in a pod. I had met my boyfriend at the time, and we introduced her to his friend. Double dates them became a popular thing. While I was very much in like with my boyfriend, Jane wasn't really too big of a fan of her man. So she broke things off. Through a bad (really bad in my eyes) breakup, our friendship somehow unwound. We still had a class together, but that was extremely awkward. The friendly notes stopped, walking to class together died. I was lost. At first, I was livid. I didn't want to talk to her, I didn't want to see her, I wanted nothing to do with Jane. Subsequently, (and because of many other things) my boyfriend and I broke up. I had no one to talk to. My best friend had deserted me. And I blamed my breakup on Jane. It was all her fault. She had ruined my life. (I hate how hindsight is 20/20 because I wish I had known what I know now back then.) I then held a grudge against her for quite some time.

In the halls at school, we looked opposite ways when we passed. I then walked to my classes alone. Yes, I was a loner. I was definitely not one of those "popular" ones. And I could give a rats @**. Anywho, I just had such bad feelings towards Jane. It didn't help me sleep at night, I would often complain to my mom about how wrong she was and how rude and disrespectful she was.

After a while of me complaining about this, I saw the quote "Holding a grudge is letting someone live rent-free in your head." And she was doing just that. She didn't know, but she was occupying my thoughts daily, in a negative way. She was destroying the peace that I had. And I decided to kick her out of my head. I decided to be the better person and apologize for whatever I had done to start this whole not-talking fight.
So I apologized.
And guess what....
I got nothing in return.
And that made me even MORE mad. So, I went back to being mad and hating her. Then I realized what Satan had done. He had tricked me to be mad when she might not have been ready to apologize, or maybe she was too ashamed to apologize. I don't know the story, and I never will. But I tried to reach out and apologize again. And again. And again. I think I spammed her Facebook inbox with apologies. And each one went without a response. But I persisted. I NEEDED her to know that I was sorry. 

The end of the year came around and everyone was ready to graduate. I knew I was. We got our yearbooks and started to fill them with memories of the previous three years of high school. Nervous as all get-out, I asked Jane to sign my yearbook. Quietly, she accepted and wrote two or three sentences in my book of memories. In my head I thought, I WON!!!!! I had just gotten my was-best-friend to sign my year book!! (YES.) I was so happy, for all of five minutes. And then it hit me. She still would not talk to me. Yes, it made me sad, but I accepted the possibility of us never being friends again. Reluctantly, I was okay with that. She had shown me things and taught me things that I might have never known without her.

Graduation rolled around, and when her name was called, I cheered for her. I wished the best for her in her life. Jane is an amazing girl, and I know she'll make it far.

When I moved up to Utah, things were still unresolved. Sometimes I thought back to the good times, and it would make me sad. So I would find her on Facebook, and try messaging her. Again, with no response. So I figured, if I can't reach her, I'll try her mom! So I did, and I got some details about how Jane was doing and what she was up to with life. She was no longer with her beau and was happy as ever. I was ecstatic to hear that she was doing so well.

I tried to reach out to her on one of my trips down to Arizona to visit my family. I wanted to see Jane and go out to lunch or something and catch up. I must have been praying really hard because when I messaged her to see if she wanted to go out to lunch sometime, SHE SAID YES!! I was overjoyed with happiness and started crying from excitement. I couldn't sleep. I wanted to get down to Arizona the next day so I could see her!

Alas, the long awaited meeting came. I'll admit, it was a little awkward at first when I saw her because it brought back some of the harsh feelings that I had. After talking for a few minutes, those feelings were long gone and it was just like the old days. I loved it.

When we were done eating, we walked out to our cars and said our goodbyes. I told her that I wish I didn't live in Utah now that our friendship is somewhat rekindled. That struck a chord and she started crying and apologizing. I felt so bad for saying that because I didn't mean to upset her. Soon we were both big cry babies and couldn't keep it together. She had apologized for not responding to any of my messages and for letting our friendship go.

Today, Jane and I are good, distant friends.We have overcome our differences and forgiven each other for the things that were done to hurt one another.

"Holding a grudge is letting someone live rent-free in your head". This could not be more true. Not only is it bad for your mental health, but would Christ ever hold a grudge? Absolutely not. Holding grudges hurts no one but yourself.

"Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die". I was angry with Jane. And even though I had tried to apologize, I was still a little angry because she wouldn't give me the time of day. Sometimes, people aren't ready to say they are sorry. Or maybe they don't see that they are in the wrong. There are countless reasons as to why someone won't, or can't, apologize to you. I couldn't know what was going on in her life. Maybe I had said something that was just completely unforgivable. For whatever reason, I don't hold it against Jane for not talking to me. I took my time to come to my senses, and she took hers.

So will you be the one drinking the poison, or the one evicting someone?

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Two Peas In A Pod

(Side note, I don't really like peas.)

Since I have moved up to Utah, A. I have changed a lot and 2. Most of my Arizona friends and family have NOT met John. (I'll forgive you)

So I thought I would introduce the most perfect man for me to the world of Blogger (not like many people read this) and touch base on who I have become. Our likes, our dislikes, the funny jokes that John can blackmail against me. You'll see :)

John and I met in the single's ward at ward prayer.
I was set at the beginning of the year to NOT get married this year....then I met his smiling face.
John loves video games.
Sad to admit, so do I.
I introduced him to my favorite game.
He plays it more than I do now.
I love fish.
He makes gagging sounds when I eat or mention the word fish.
He loves to sing to every song he knows. He'll even sing louder than other people singing.
I like to sing songs I know, and don't like other people singing with me.
He has stubby little fingers.
I love giraffes.
I like all kinds of music.
He loves everything I don't. And then some. (Aside from J.E.W., Yellow Card, and a few select others)
He loves to pretend that he is from a different country, especially Russia.
He will randomly start speaking Chinese, Cantonese to be exact, when he is bored in a conversation....or just to annoy me.
I make dinner.
He does the dishes. (YES.)
I come from a family of 4 girls.
He comes from a family of 26 (13 siblings and 13 step siblings. Oddly enough, there are exactly 13 girls and 13 boys)
He doesn't really care if things are planned.
I like to know in advance, at least a few days, of plans.
He can stay up until 3 in the morning if I let him.
I can't keep my eyes open past 10.30 at night.
He loves my cooking.
Eh, it's alright.
We both played the clarinet in junior high.
I would strive to be the highest chair I could.
He was satisfied with second to last chair....until the last chair challenged him and John lost.....
I love him.
He loves me.

While we were dating, before anything was official, when we were talking marriage, we were in his living room talking to his brother about things. I didn't like to get too ahead of myself, even though I knew we would get married, and would make sure to not talk too much about the wedding and what not. He said something that I don't remember, and I said "I have to get proposed first!" John and his brother just started BUSTING up laughing. Once I knew I had said something silly, I immediately tried to correct myself. Have you ever said "Take luck!"?? It was one of those instances. I meant to say either "I have to get engaged" or "I have to be proposed to". Yea, you catch my drift. Well now, John LOVES to bring that one up with other people. Yes, I get embarrassed easily. And this happens quite frequently. I will say something, not knowing how it sounds until after it comes out, and he will brag about how "cute" or "silly" his wife is.

John and I are extremely laid back. To be honest, most weekends we don't do anything and just play video games together. Yes, I'm THAT big of a nerddd. He brings out the best in me, and I bring out the best in him.

I was born on December 22, 1991. John was born April 30, 1983. When we met, I did not think that he was nine, almost ten years older than me. I thought he was around 25/26. And he thought I was around 23/24. Yes, some people give us odd looks when we tell them our ages. But to be honest, it doesn't phase me at all. I love John for who he is, not what year he was born. I will admit, that it is a little weird talking about big events. Like how on September 11, I watched the Twin Towers fall in 4th grade, while he heard about it on his mission in Australia. And how I was baptized when he was dating girls as a senior in high school. Yes, if you sit and think about those events and the age difference, it is a little weird. But that's not what a relationship is about. It is about finding the best in people, and loving them with all you've got.

I'm so happy that I have a man that has his head on straight. The other day we were talking about how it's sad how many people get divorced these days, due to many reasons. Yes, sometimes, it really is for the better. But most of the time people just give up and don't try anymore. John said something perfectly, and it made me fall in love with him even more. He said, "Most divorced people think that they are just in a relationship in high school and think to themselves 'If I don't like this person, I can just break up with them and find someone better'. When in reality, they will most likely just marry someone just like the person they divorced. Marriage is a lifelong commitment, and when you go through the temple, it's an eternal commitment. Not something that you can just throw away". Gosh, I love him.

So this post was just all over the place!
But one thing is for sure. I could not be happier with my life at this point. I know our love for each other will only grow stronger and bigger every day. I'm glad that I have the opportunity to share my life with John Chester Memmott.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

How do you like THEM apples??

Well I LOVE them.

One thing I love about living in Utah, is you can find fruit and veggie stands on almost every corner selling sugar sweet corn, juicy watermelon, and peaches that taste like candy. What's even better, is most of the time their prices are just the same (if not better) than the grocery stores. What's even better than that?? The quality outshines grocery stores, hardcore.

The other day I drove by one that is just around the corner from my apartment and decided to stop and take a look. They had corn, peaches, apples, berries, green beans, onions, and squash. They had everything! The fruit caught my eye right away. The peaches were ginormous!! And the apples looked just ripe enough to be sweet, but still give your jaw a good clenching. So I bought two big buckets of each.

The peaches I have been enjoying in my cereal, in peach shakes, and just as a snack here and there. The apples I didn't eat as quickly, though. (we still have maybe 10-15 left)

Now, if you don't know that much about me since I've moved up to Utah, I am a HUGE Pinterest girl. No, I don't sit on Pinterest all day, pinning away things that I will never read or see again. I look for things that I can actually do, and I do them. I've made a zebra cake, melted crayon art, some cool things to put in picture frames, my bouquet for my wedding. Okay. Practically my WHOLE wedding. I've also made quite a few recipes, too. But I found one that was "Blog Post" worthy.

Oh. My.


I LOVE applesauce. Especially when I'm not feeling too well.

So I was pinning one day, came across a recipe for applesauce, and was astounded at how few ingredients you need, and how quickly it took. (Don't call me dumb if your mom made applesauce all the time, while I think that it's ingenious.) I've seen some recipes on Pinterest for applesauce that required your crockpot, 6 hours, an arm, and some magic fairy dust. If these things take too long, I don't even try it. Okay....not true. But when it comes to food, under 2 hours and it's for me.

Anywho, this recipe only took a total of 45 minutes. And 40 of those minutes, it's on the stove, cooking, making your house smell heav-en-LY *singing in a heavenly angel voice* It seriously was the 
And to be honest, I wouldn't change a thing about the recipe. It is perfect.

So here is the link to this awesomeness. The only thing that I would suggest, if you like smoother applesauce, is to put it through a blender. It was super easy, and it has a velvety consistency to it.

Enjoy  :)

Sunday, August 19, 2012

The newest members to the Memmott Family

Now now, don't get your panties in a bunch waiting to see cute little pictures of dogs. Sadly, the apartment that John and I are residing in will not allow pets. Oh how we wish this weren't true.

Drum roll please....





I TOTALLY know what you are thinking "Wow Caren. How pathetic of you to think of plants as a part of your family". Well, I guess I just am THAT pathetic. And besides, these guys bring a little taste of Arizona that I have been longing for, for too long. 
Someday soon, though, John and I will be proud owners of a dog. 
Or three.

Saturday, August 18, 2012


Not your typical post, I know. But oh boy it is a good read (in my opinion).

"Every saint has a past. Every sinner has a future."

My two year anniversary for moving to Utah is a little over a week away. And boy, I have changed a lot. Before I moved up here, I was lost. I made some pretty dog-gone bad choices. I stopped attending church, I dropped out of seminary, I was extremely disrespectful to my parents. I just didn't care what I did. I did whatever I wanted, regardless of the consequences. And there were plenty of consequences. I just didn't see them at the time. I remember one Sunday when I didn't want to go to church, my older sister stayed home with me to try and convince me that what I was doing was ruining my life. I remember exactly what she said, like it was yesterday. "You cannot know how many people your actions today will effect." At the time, I just shrugged it off, like, "It's my life. Nobody has to be concerned with what I am doing. I'm not harming anyone." Ohhhh boy was I wrong. Little did I know, the choices I made back then would effect my future husband, my children, my grandchildren, and the list just goes on and on. But that Sunday when my sister spoke so much wisdom, it went in one ear and out the other. (Sorry Dawna)

The weeks before I moved up to Utah, I thought I was changing. I had started to attend church again, I was all registered for classes in the fall at MCC, I was on the right track again.
Then I decided to move.
And all that hard work went out the window. In an instant.
What's ironic, is Utah is "Mormon Capitol". And while that is true, there are still a LOT of anti-LDS and non-members that live here. And I decided that they were the type of people I should be hanging out with. Subsequently, I did things I shouldn't have, along with getting two tattoos. Yes, I scarred my body. I graffiti'd on my temple. Part of me wishes I could take it back and not have them. (It is always difficult when little kids, especially John's nieces and nephews see them. "What is that?" "Uhhhh.....") Part of me is glad I have them. Weird, I know. But I got them for personal reasons, not so I could show off art. I have words on my body that mean something to me. They are a part of who I am now. But I digress. Instead of going down the straight and narrow, I went out to left field. Best decisions of my life? HECK no.

It took me about 6 months to realize that I was going nowhere. I was going the opposite direction that my parents had taught me; of where I wanted to go. So, I started going to church again. And this time I was SURE I was going to change and actually GET somewhere. That lasted about 2 months. Then I met a boy. Isn't it funny how when bad things happen, it normally starts out somehow with a boy?? Strange. Anywho, this boy was everything that I didn't want, but he sure turned on the charm. Luckily, we only dated for a month or two, and then I had to backtrack and start from square one again.

For the past year, I have been better at finding who I am, attending church, and being the best me that I can be. Sure, I've had little slip-ups. But who doesn't? Nobody is perfect. Trust me. I know.

Two weeks ago, John and I were married. Civilly. It wasn't until that day, that I realized what all my previous actions for the past 4 years had done. They had effected my husband. Am I proud of this? No. Am I happy that I have a faithful husband who I can work things out with? Yes. I wouldn't trade it for the world.

John and I read scriptures and say family prayer every night. I have never read the Book of Mormon before, and I wish that wasn't true. I am finally learning what I have been missing out on for the past 4 years. And I wish I could take it all back. However, I am confident that if I hadn't done everything I did, and hit rock bottom, I would not have met John. I wouldn't have even moved up to Utah. So in a way, I am glad that I went through all the grief, and heartache, and bad choices so that I could be where I am today.

Long story short, the choices and decisions that you make in life affect more people than you know. And how you live your life has a direct correlation to how your parents raised you. Yes, I lost my way for a few years. But I know better. I know what is right. And the life I have known is a huge learning experience. I have made a lot of bad choices, but they have made me a stronger daughter of God today. I know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is true. I know how special and important the Atonement of Jesus Christ is. I know that the Book of Mormon is true and that it is the fullness of the gospel. I know so many things today that I could have cared less about 4 years ago. And I have my parents to thank for that. They have shown me what the blessings of being a worthy member of the church can be. And how having a worthy priesthood holder in your home can do. 
They have shown me everything I need to know, I just didn't see it.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Arizona. "But it's a dry heat!!"

Just because it's a dry heat, doesn't mean that it's normal!!! Goodness.

John and I had the opportunity to drive down to Arizona the week after our wedding to stay with family and have an open house for my Arizona friends and family. This would be only the second time that John has been to the good ol' AZ, but this is his FIRST time in death defying heat. As we drove into town Thursday night, around 9.30 pm, it was, wait for it.....103 degrees!! Woo hoo!!! Nothing says Arizona summer nights like over 100 degree weather. Gotta love it...NOT.

While we were in Arizona, we were privileged to stay with my sister and brother in law and ADORABLE niece. To make a long story short, I did not want to leave. I wish we could have just moved in with them. But only so I could see my niece whenever I wanted ;)

Friday night was our open house. And oh boy, we could not have done it without my Aunt Monica. She was a LIFE saver. Not only was she a huge help, buy my dad and my grandpa were awesome. And even their crafty side came out. Shhhhh, don't tell anyone. I'm sure they want to keep their manhood in tact.

Saturday rolls around, and we had the very-much-missed family dinner with the grandparents. Nothing special, other than delicious food, memories of chicken shoved up a nose, and cramps in your side from laughing so hard. The best part of the day?
No, it's not a shocker story, but literally, a shocker. My grandpa made a little gadget out of an old crank telephone. What happens when you crank the generator and make a complete circuit, you ask? If everyone holds hands, or becomes connected SOME how, when the handle is turned it will send electric pulses through your body. The fun part is, the faster the handle is turned, the stronger the pulses are. Sometimes they are so powerful that your muscles cannot move. It really is a lot of fun. Just take my word for it. Now, I have NO clue how I married John and let him into my tight knit family withOUT putting him through the shocker. But, I already signed my name on the dotted line, and wouldn't take it back. So we settled with a week later. And OH boy, was it worth it.

Here is a video of John's first encounter with The Shocker. Enjoy :)
 So I thought it was kind of funny how I was trying to take a picture of the awesome view over the Grand Canyon. And the port-a-potty decided to photo bomb my picture. RUDE.
 Driving into AZ. Keep in mind that my clock was still an hour ahead from Utah time. Yuck.
 Cute story. She was not completely awake when this was taken. She was so tired that when John was rubbing her head, I don't know if it tickled or if it just felt good. We call these her "Sleep Drunk Smiles".
No trip to AZ is complete without a trip to the one and only Bahama Bucks <3

 The lovely Sarah Sakai :)
 Probably the BEST part of the night. Pulled pork sandwiches with my dad's homemade BBQ sauce.
 The beautiful Chelsea Moores :)

 So these technically weren't taken anywhere near AZ. But I thought I would include them.
Tatum just LOVES sunglasses.
 My whole family at the Salt Lake Temple.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The Married Club!!

Oh where to start...even though I've only been married for a week and a half, it has been the BEST week and a half of my life!!

As John and I have started our lives together, I decided to start a blog! Who woulda thunk, right? EVERY newly wed couple starts a blog. I know, I know. But seeing as I live 700 some-odd miles away from my family, and John's parents are in Nauvoo on a mission, what better way to stay connected than over the internet?

So here I am, on a Tuesday night, thinking of a way to start this good ol' thing. I had no clue what to write about because nothing huge or significant has happened. And then my friend was like, "You DID just get married, right? That's a pretty big event!" Okay, she didn't say those EXACT words, so I filled in the blanks for her ;)

Friday, August 3, 2012.

The first day of the rest of my life.

I got to marry the most amazing man I could have dreamt up.
John Chester Memmott.
He comes from the biggest, (Seriously. 26 kids total) most loving family I have ever met. His parents are the kindest people I know, and have SUCH a strong testimony of the church. Throughout our relationship, dating and engagement, his sisters have been the biggest help in planning for the wedding. And his brothers are some of the funniest people on the planet. I guess what I'm trying to say, is that I love his family almost as much as I love John, which is a pretty big deal.

While I was relaxing and getting ready for the wedding myself, our families worked very hard to get everything set up. And oh boy, they did an AMAZING job. When I showed up, an hour and a half before the ceremony started, pretty much everything was done. And we could not have done it without everyone's help. Luckily, the weather was just perfect!! The days before our wedding, it was getting pretty warm, upper 90's and low 100's. I was so afraid that it was going to continue on my special day, especially since the ceremony and reception were outside. But come August 3rd, the heavens opened up and the stars aligned. It was B-E-A-UTIFUL!! It wasn't too hot, and had a nice breeze throughout the evening. It really was a perfect night.

As I walked down the aisle, I saw my future standing at the end, waiting for his oh so gorgeous bride ;) But seriously, my knees started to buckle as I realized that my life was about to change. For the better, of course. As we said our 'I Do's, my heart skipped a beat. I could not be happier knowing I am married to anyone but John.

He is my other half.
My best friend.
My lover.
And I love him with all I've got.

Here are a few pictures that my grandpa shot for the reception.

To start things off, this is Renato. John taught him while he was on his mission.
In Aurstralia.
10 years ago.
He and his wife and kids flew halfway across the world so they could be at our wedding. Not only are they the coolest people ever, but Renato is an AMAZING photographer. And not only did they JUST fly out for the wedding, he photographed it for us too!! We are extremely grateful for their kindness and generosity, and for how cool they are. And we will miss them greatly.
 My mother and I at the family dinner the night before. Aren't I just so lovely??
 This is Hudson, John's nephew, and Tatum, my niece. They had lots of fun playing in the wagon before the wedding.

 Millie is pulling Tatum in the wagon, you just can't see her. And Millie was very determined to get that wagon UP the hill.
 This is Jett, probably the most adorable boy on the planet. He was our cute little ring bearer.
 John and I and my favorite little one year old!
 Both of our parents
 It is impossible to get an ugly picture from this girl!! I just love her to pieces.

 The culprits, minus a few.
 The end!