This is one of my favorite quotes of all time. Subsequently, I got it written on my neck with permanent ink. And when people hear about it or read it, oh boy! Had I known that this would cause so much debate and controversy, I might have thought twice about getting it.
When I tell people the quote, especially strong LDS members, the first thing that comes out of their mouth "Why would you get that" followed by a close second, "I don't agree with that." Well, there isn't one thing in this world that EVERYBODY agrees on. And I guess to clear everything once and for all, hopefully, I will explain my thoughts on this.
Always forgive.
A. It's not your place to not forgive someone. And 2. It's just the right thing to do. If you feel like you don't need to forgive someone, refer to my previous post about holding grudges. That'll change your mind. You should always forgive someone. Even if they wronged you beyond repair, if they cheated on you, if they betrayed you. Now, just because you forgive someone doesn't mean that you have to be "buddy-buddy" with them again. But you are still forgiving them and saying "It's okay. People make mistakes." Now this is where the second part comes into play.
Never forget.
No, I don't mean "Never forget that this person wronged you." You should never forget the lesson it taught you. If you accidentally touch a hot stove or pan, your body is going to remember what that did to your body. Your body will subconsciously remember that it doesn't like touching hot things and creating burn marks. Just like in life, if someone cheats on you, forgive them until pigs fly. But don't forget how being cheated on felt and the lesson it taught you. I sure hope that the lesson you learned is to not date guys (or girls) that have the potential of cheating on you. If you and a friend get in a HUGE fight, so big that you just never see the friendship fixable, forgive them until your dying day. Be the better person and say "I forgive you for the hurtful things you said." But don't forget how losing your best friend felt. Don't forget how miserable you were and how lonely you felt when your partner in crime wasn't by your side. Let that fuel you into not wanting to fight again and being able to put your pride aside and say "No, I will not lose you again."
There are so many situations that this can be put to, and I have witnessed so many instances where this has been a life changer. Some people say "Your tattoo is wrong because if you have fully repented of a sin and Heavenly Father has forgiven you, he has forgotten it too." First off, I am not speaking for my Father in heaven. I have no right to and am far too imperfect to speak for Him. But for me, personally, I remember things that I have done (to a certain extent) so that I will remember that I don't want to go through those things again. I hate fighting with a passion. And there were too many days, weeks, months, when my sister and I didn't speak because we just clashed heads. I remember those fights (to an extent) to fuel me NOT to fight with my sister. No, I don't remember specifics, and you shouldn't remember those. But instead, remember the lessons.
So while some people think of me as stupid and retarded for having this quote permanently on my body, you have to take it for what it is. And it teaches me lessons daily. It teaches me to be bigger than myself and forgive people who might not be sorry, or who would go to the ends of the earth to apologize. It helps me to remember lessons so that I can be a better person today, tomorrow, and forever. It teaches me that everyone is human and that we all deserve a second chance. It teaches me that we can learn from our mistakes and other people's mistakes to make us better.
Always forgive, Never forget.