Thursday, August 16, 2012

Arizona. "But it's a dry heat!!"

Just because it's a dry heat, doesn't mean that it's normal!!! Goodness.

John and I had the opportunity to drive down to Arizona the week after our wedding to stay with family and have an open house for my Arizona friends and family. This would be only the second time that John has been to the good ol' AZ, but this is his FIRST time in death defying heat. As we drove into town Thursday night, around 9.30 pm, it was, wait for it.....103 degrees!! Woo hoo!!! Nothing says Arizona summer nights like over 100 degree weather. Gotta love it...NOT.

While we were in Arizona, we were privileged to stay with my sister and brother in law and ADORABLE niece. To make a long story short, I did not want to leave. I wish we could have just moved in with them. But only so I could see my niece whenever I wanted ;)

Friday night was our open house. And oh boy, we could not have done it without my Aunt Monica. She was a LIFE saver. Not only was she a huge help, buy my dad and my grandpa were awesome. And even their crafty side came out. Shhhhh, don't tell anyone. I'm sure they want to keep their manhood in tact.

Saturday rolls around, and we had the very-much-missed family dinner with the grandparents. Nothing special, other than delicious food, memories of chicken shoved up a nose, and cramps in your side from laughing so hard. The best part of the day?
No, it's not a shocker story, but literally, a shocker. My grandpa made a little gadget out of an old crank telephone. What happens when you crank the generator and make a complete circuit, you ask? If everyone holds hands, or becomes connected SOME how, when the handle is turned it will send electric pulses through your body. The fun part is, the faster the handle is turned, the stronger the pulses are. Sometimes they are so powerful that your muscles cannot move. It really is a lot of fun. Just take my word for it. Now, I have NO clue how I married John and let him into my tight knit family withOUT putting him through the shocker. But, I already signed my name on the dotted line, and wouldn't take it back. So we settled with a week later. And OH boy, was it worth it.

Here is a video of John's first encounter with The Shocker. Enjoy :)
 So I thought it was kind of funny how I was trying to take a picture of the awesome view over the Grand Canyon. And the port-a-potty decided to photo bomb my picture. RUDE.
 Driving into AZ. Keep in mind that my clock was still an hour ahead from Utah time. Yuck.
 Cute story. She was not completely awake when this was taken. She was so tired that when John was rubbing her head, I don't know if it tickled or if it just felt good. We call these her "Sleep Drunk Smiles".
No trip to AZ is complete without a trip to the one and only Bahama Bucks <3

 The lovely Sarah Sakai :)
 Probably the BEST part of the night. Pulled pork sandwiches with my dad's homemade BBQ sauce.
 The beautiful Chelsea Moores :)

 So these technically weren't taken anywhere near AZ. But I thought I would include them.
Tatum just LOVES sunglasses.
 My whole family at the Salt Lake Temple.

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